Medical-Pharmaceutical Literature related to Wolfgang Scholz, Founder and Editor of SCHOLZ DataBank

Scholz W. Loperamide: Death by Lemonade and Conclusions for E-prescribing. Mega J Case Rep. 2024;7(12):2001-2005.

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Scholz W. Dose Adjustments in Renal Failure: Does the Dettli Formula Need an Update Moving Away from Linearity?. Austin J Pharmacol Ther. 2024; 12(3): 1192.

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Mohamed, F.F.; Anhlan, D.; Schöfbänker, M.; Schreiber, A.; Classen, N.; Hensel, A.; Hempel, G.; Scholz, W.; Kühn, J.; Hrincius, E.R.; Stephan Ludwig; Hypericum perforatum and Its Ingredients Hypericin and Pseudohypericin Demonstrate an Antiviral Activity against SARSCoV-2. Pharmaceuticals 2022, 15, 530.

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Wolfgang Scholz; Bernoulli´s concept of compounding interest and another simple formula to compute Euler's number e; 2/10/2022;

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Scholz, W. U. About Pharmacokinetics of Drugs due to Multiple Drug Drug Interactions (MDDI); original in german: Zur Pharmakokinetik von Arzneimitteln bei multiplen Interaktionen – Theoretische Überlegungen und praktische Umsetzung. Krankenhauspharmazie 2016;37:497–505.


A theory of multi(ple) drug drug interactions, its impact on the assessment of pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of drugs and its translation into a software calculator to compute dose adjustments in complex drug interaction scenarios
The MDDI (multi drug drug interactions) calculator of SCHOLZ Databank (DIT Drug Database in the USA.) represents a drug drug interaction software which provides a completely new view on interactions and enables the qualitative and quantitative description of multiple pharmacokinetic drug interactions. The vision to realize such a search engine for interactions required to abandon the traditional model of analyzing solely pairs of drugs and to develop a more general theory based on a model of “multi drug drug interactions”. In this theory the relevant pharmacokinetic parameters such as AUC and dosis and their relative changes are derived and assessments computed according to kinetic rulings based on the interplay of all properties and drug interaction mechanisms for all drugs involved as substrates or inhibitors of transporter and enzyme systems in absorption, metabolism and elimination. The interpretation of these kinetic assessments and their clinical consequences is efficiently supported for the user through taking regard of the therapeutic index of the substrate and the reconciliation with pharmacodynamics, meaning the side effects of the substrate and all other drugs in the medication whereby the focus lies on the presentation of potential duplicate serious adverse effects. This approach makes sense in particular as polypharmacy with patient medications of five and more drugs is widely spread in industrialized countries. Calibration and validation of the MDDI Calculator have revealed good consistency of computed AUC values and in-vivo measurements published in literature (deviations less than 10 % in 77 % of the cases, less than 30 % in 95 %). Based on these numbers finding at a glance the right dose adjustment for a substrate even in complex drug interaction scenarios becomes possible and true in a manner not known up to now in day-to-day-practice of prescribing or pharmaceutical consulting. Further developments shall focus on integrating rare zero-order-kinetics of drugs, the kinetics for a specific pharmacogenetic status (IM, PM, UM) and the continuance of validating the search engine through in-vivo- measurements of new clinical multiple drug interaction studies. Observing and considering the severity and probability of adverse drug events with multiple drug interactions as well as the wide use of polypharmacy give rise to the hypothesis that the positive predictive value of drug drug interaction alerts may be substantially increased using drug interaction software which is able to identify multiple drug interactions. To back up this hypothesis more studies in clinical pharmacology and epidemiology are needed. Key Words: AUC, cumulative side effects, DIT, Drug Database, drug drug interaction, MDDI calculator, multi drug drug interaction, multiple drug interaction, SCHOLZ Datenbank

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Wolfgang Scholz and Stefanie Brune Severe Rhabdomyolysis through concomitant Administration of Simvastatin, Amlodipine, and Ciprofloxacine;
original in german: Schwere Rhabdomyolyse bei Kombination von Simvastatin, Amlodipin und Ciprofloxacin – Interpretation eines Fallberichts mit einer Interaktionssoftware; Arzneimitteltherapie 2016 34(Suppl1):S2-7


Severe rhabdomyolysis due to a multi drug drug interaction between simvastatin, amlodipine and ciprofloxacin
A severe drug drug interaction presented in a case report is analyzed using an interaction calculator called “MDDI calculator”.The MDDI (Multi Drug Drug Interactions) calculator provides a completely new view on drug interactions and enables the qualitative and quantitative description of multiple drug interactions with the focus on clearly identifying those drugs the effect or side effect of which is affected by the interplay of multiple other drugs and interaction mechanisms. In the case reported a 41-year old woman, stable on eleven drugs including simvastatin and amlodipine, developed severe rhabdomyolysis after additional use of three antibiotics including ciprofloxacin. Applying the MDDI calculator reveals at a glance that the assessed plasma level increase of simvastatin through the interplay of the weak CYP3A4 inhibitor amlodipine and the moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor ciprofloxacin in particular g.i. can be interpreted very well as the probable cause of the severe rhabdomyolysis reported. With about 10 % of the population in the industrialized countries on polypharmacy the application of efficient tools to analyze multiple drug interactions becomes more and more important and might help doctors and pharmacists to identify and avoid clinically important pharmacokinetic drug interactions even in complex multiple interaction scenarios easily. Key Words: amlodipine, anuria, ciproflocaxin, CYP3A4, DIT Drug Database, multi drug drug interaction, multiple drug interaction, muscle pain, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis, SCHOLZ Datenbank, simvastatin

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Wolfgang Scholz and Stefanie Brune Protecting from Falling;
original in german: Vor Stürzen schützen – Sturzprophylaxe mit der SCHOLZ Datenbank; Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 2016 156, 27:S52-59

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Scholz W. SCHOLZ DataBank/Drug Database;
original in german: Scholz- Arzneimittel-Datenbank. Deutsche Apotheker Zeitung 1992;132(14):709–12.

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Wolfgang Scholz: Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen (Drug Interactions); Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart - New York, 1984, 593 Seiten


Wolfgang Scholz: SCHOLZ-Liste Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen auf einen Blick (Drug Interactions at one Glance); Verlag für Medizinische Information Scholz & Fenner GmbH, München, 1981,550 Seiten
