Surescripts All-in-One Certification Package by SCHOLZ DataBank
There are five essential things to make your E-prescribing software a success:
- Surescripts approved Drug Database
- Surescripts Certification
- Proven web service technology and interfaces for high-performance data communication
- A team of proven experts in the field of
- Digital drug information
- E-prescribing and EMR software development
- Surescripts Certification - a reliable implementation and cost plan with fixed prices
SCHOLZ DataBank provides all these essentials with the Surescripts All-in-One Certification Package.
Interested? Then contact us for your Surescripts
All-in-One-Certification Package!
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The Importance of building Vendor Relationships
SCHOLZ DataBank has the target to build up strong and trustful longterm business relationships with vendors in the market of healthcare professional software solutions. Some of our customers trust for more than twenty years on SCHOLZ DataBank technology. SCHOLZ DataBank software tools and application interfaces